From Copenhagen, Denmark, worked as a Personal Trainer in Copenhagen and Atlanta, now living the Vikingo life in Los Cabos, Mexico. Proud husband to Elena, Dog Fanatic, Atlanta Falcons fan and overprotective parent of my dog Emma 🙂
I believe that training should be effective, functional and fun. Whether your goal is to improve cardiovascular condition, increase muscle mass, getting stronger and being able to add yards to your drive. It’s about having functional strength and being able to transfer that power. I strive to design the best exercises that serve your specific goal. My focus is on functional strength and cardio training that is directly transferable to your favorite sports activity, be that golf or surfing for example, or improving your overall health and fitness level.
The methods I use in our personal trainings are mainly body weight training, working in intervals, utilizing all the benefits of boxing pad work, TRX, Medicine balls, weights and whatever else I find useful when working to achieve the goal at hand.
Speaking of which…
Set a goal. It is important to make clear to yourself what your main objective is. The more specific we can make our trainings, the more fun and better the results will be. You do not want to work counterproductive towards your goal.
It is important that you have a personal training program with balance – we want to have good overall strength, power and flexibility. Basic things like moving up and down, pushing and pulling, being able to rotate, having flexibility and good cardiovascular condition is something everybody needs to be able to function and perform.
Chase that great feeling you get after training, let’s make that our primary goal every time. We want too feel great, one training at a time. Keep coming back, chasing that awesome post training high, then the results will follow, consistency is key. Let’s Go!